The Committee’s priority for the year was to increase awareness about the club in order to attract more members; this has been somewhat successful with membership increasing from 28 to 35, and the attendance at club meetings averaging above 25. However there is still work to be done: feedback shows that there are still plenty of people who do not know about the club, or what we do. We need to produce a club leaflet; but the most effective way of attracting people remains word of mouth, so I encourage all members to continue to spread the word. The increased membership has, of course, had a beneficial impact on the club’s income, but has also made meetings more lively and vibrant.
The plant sale made a little less profit than last year: £362 against £401 in 2016. This was partly due to the later date for the sale, meaning some people had already bought their baskets, and partly due to the need for us to price items in order to compete with the offer in supermarkets. The committee have identified areas in marketing and advertising that we can improve on next year. The proceeds from the raffle and the donations for refreshments make an important contribution to funds, so “thank you” to all those members who give raffle prizes, make cakes, and do the teas and coffees.
The programme for the year was wide-ranging and varied, with some very good speakers giving informative, entertaining, and enjoyable talks. There were two visits, both of which included “add-ons” not available to the general public. The programme for 2018 will essentially be “more of the same”, but there are things that can be improved on, and these will be incorporated.
Finally, and most importantly, I want to thank the very active committee for all their hard work, and the members for their help, support, and encouragement.